Outlook 2011 OLM Solutions

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Easy Way to Change the Font Size in Mac Outlook 2011

It is one of the most general query of many Mac users asking for How to change font size in Outlook 2011. I am explaining the solution here as it may be helpful for others also searching for the same problem.


Follow the Steps mentioned below to change the font size of Outgoing Messages

Step 1-

At first Select Preferences from the Outlook Menu.

Step 2-

Now Open Fonts from the Outlook Preferences.


Step 3-

From here you can easily set the Font Size and can select the Font as shown below:



Follow the Steps mentioned below to change the font size of Incoming Messages: –

  • Firstly, Click on the Format Menu.
  • From here you can easily Increase or Decrease the Font size of Incoming messages


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Mayra Cristina Lovato

Mayra Cristina Lovato

Mayra Cristina Lovato is a technical blogger, she is sincere in writing technical blogs allied to any queries, errors with specific solutions related to Mac Outlook Files. She is ACMT certified and involved to explore her skills and experience by providing best solutions of Mac Outlook 2011 related issues.